Caitlyn Schaffer - Leadership Team - public relations
Birth Place/Hometown/Birthday: Burbank, CA / Nipomo, CA / 5-15-07
Year in School: Junior
Education/Career Goals: Go to a 4 year, major political sciences, minor in economics
Favorite Movie/Book/Color: Spirited away / Wings of fire series /Green
Sports/Hobbies: Cheer, STUNT, Rabbit/livestock showman, graphic design
Influential People:
Favorite Non-Agriculture Subject: Media Arts
FFA Accomplishments: 2022-23 chapter historian, 2nd place sectional creed speaker, 5th place Parli Pro competition, 2022 reserve champion rabbit
FFA Goals: Compete in more CDE teams, become chapter President next year, become a sectional or regional officer, become a national delegate next year
Agriculture SAE(s)/Projects: Sustainable Ag presentation, 2022 and 2023 Market lamb projects, 2022 Agriscience fair project, 2023 Agricultural job shadow