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Nipomo FFA Celebrates Greenhands

Throughout the days of December 4th, 5th, and 6th, Nipomo FFA’s leadership class dedicated their time to celebrate the rookies of our FFA chapter, the Greenhands. Being a Greenhand means it is your first year in the FFA organization. Greenhands are so special because they are still trying to find their place, and discover what they each want to accomplish within the FFA. It is the leadership teams responsibility to help guide these greenhands in the beginning of their FFA career.

Monday the 4th, the Greenhands were welcomed with caramel apples during lunch on campus. They were able to enjoy a delicious treat while getting to catch up with the leadership team and ask any questions they had about upcoming events. Tuesday the 5th, the Greenhands received a scavenger hunt where the winning team would be announced at the Winter Banquet.

On Wednesday the 6th, the Greenhands were celebrated with donuts and dying their hands green in honor of their name. Wednesday night was the Nipomo FFA Winter Banquet, where the final Greenhand activity took place, the installment of the new 2017-2018 Greenhand Officer team. The newly installed officers were Isabella Sparks President, Jackson Powers Vice-President, Jadyn Oates Secretary, Megan Gaalswyk Treasurer, Faith Swope Reporter, Roberts Hobs Sentinel, and Krista Robertson Historian.

After asking Faith Swope how it felt to be elected on the first ever Nipomo FFA Officer team, she replied, “I was really excited to be apart of the team and happy that I can show more leadership towards my peers and everyone involved in the FFA”

Overall, Nipomo FFA is very proud of all their Greenhands this year for taking the initiative to find their passion through the FFA organization. Everyone is excited to see what these Greenhands will accomplish throughout their four years of wearing the blue corduroy jacket.

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